HTHSHGSS/6 | hth Shock 1kg (6 per pack)

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HTHSHGSS/6 | hth Shock 1kg (6 per pack)
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Product description
The instant solution to fix green or cloudy water and raise the chlorine level. The fastest and most efficient shock chlorination on the market!
Chlorine remains the reference disinfectant to maintain pool water under healthy bathing conditions and prevent contaminations. With disinfectant and oxidation properties, it fights bacteria, viruses, fungi and the proliferation of algae to offer healthy pool water.
There are 2 families of chlorine: stabilised chlorine and stabiliser-free chlorine (calcium hypochlorite). Stabilised chlorine is mainly composed of dichlor and trichlor, while stabiliser-free chlorine combines sodium hypochlorite (bleach), chlorine generated by salt electrolysis (that produces bleach) and calcium hypochlorite.
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(CIO)2 offers some decisive qualities compared to other treatment methods. It is odour-free and can improve bathing comfort and offer crystal-clear water. Used for shock treatments and regular treatments, it puts an end to the problem of over-stabilisation.
• Minimum chlorine level of 75 %
• The most concentrated hypochlorite available on the market
• Totally exempt from isocyanuric acid (stabiliser)
• In very fine granules format, dissolves more quickly than granules No stabiliser
• Avoid problems related to over-stabilisation
Shock chlorination: 150g for 10m³ of water
Raises the chlorine level by 1mg/l: 15g for 10m³ of water
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